- The Faculty Assembly Disability Committee (DisC) is the committee name. DisC is a regular standing advisory committee of the UCCS Faculty Assembly referred to in the bylaws as the Faculty Assembly Committee on Disability.
- The membership consists of an unlimited number of tenure-track, tenured, and non-tenure track full-time (TT and NTT) faculty at UCCS who are interested in contributing to disability-related efforts on campus and/or beyond campus. Adjunct faculty, lecturers, staff members, and students interested in disability or working on disability-related programs are also fully included on the committee, its discussions and activities, but are not voting members per Faculty Assembly Bylaws. Committee membership shall be updated at outset of each semester; missing more than two consecutive meetings will result in a loss of membership, unless absences are cleared with the chair. Sabbaticals and other approved leaves will also not count against membership.
- Voting members are full-time TT and NTT faculty committee members who have attended at least two committee meetings in the previous twelve (12) months. Formal decisions and policies must be passed by a majority of voting members present; tie votes will be considered failed votes; if insufficient voting members are present for a legitimate quorum, then measures shall be tabled. Electronic voting will be permitted, but is discouraged as important discussions and context provided by in-person deliberations may be missing.
- The committee is headed by a Chair who serves for two years. The chair will be chosen by a majority of voting members present, typically at the final spring semester committee meeting of the chair’s final term.
- Meeting times, dates, and locations will be communicated via email to the Committee list and, when appropriate (e.g. at the start of each semester) to the faculty-L and staff-L lists. Every attempt will be made to make meeting times and locations convenient for as many members as possible, and on a schedule that is planned for a full semester. Notice of upcoming meetings should be made at the outset of each semester, and with a reminder approximately one week in advance of each meeting. The committee is expected to meet approximately four times per semester (eight times per academic year).
- The purpose of the committee is to advance the access, diversity, and inclusiveness of the university through disability-related programming, policy recommendations, curriculum, scholarly and creative work, and support efforts particularly for faculty with disabilities. DisC fosters a welcoming environment for all new faculty members and works to engage all faculty with disability-related initiatives.
- This committee recognizes the importance of and encourages linkages with campus access, diversity, and inclusiveness initiatives, disability services, ADA office, campus operations, and connections that reach beyond the campus to broader Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak region.
- Committee bylaws may be amended by a quorum of voting members present, and notice of proposed changes to the bylaws shall be communicated to the committee at least two weeks in advance of any vote.
- The Chair is responsible for:
- Ensuring that the committee meets regularly
- Notifying committee members of agenda and meeting times
- Ensuring the recording and approval of meeting minutes, to be shared electronically within one week of the relevant meeting and posted on the website after committee approval
- Submitting written committee reports to the UCCS Faculty Assembly prior to regular meetings of the Faculty Assembly
- Informing the President of Faculty Assembly of any vacancies that should be filled
- Attending monthly meetings of the Faculty Assembly to report on committee activity
- Responsibilities of committee members include: a) regular attendance to scheduled committee meetings; b) providing suggestions as appropriate for agenda items and topics/projects for committee activity; c) advocating and modeling accessible, diverse, and inclusive practices and ideas.